City Planners Turn to Technology to Promote Sustainability

22/8/22, 9:30 am

Cities are growing at an alarming rate. With more people comes more emissions and a greater demand for resources. With the influx of people into cities, it has become more important than ever for city planners to find ways to make these cities sustainable. One of the most important aspects of sustainability is emissions reduction- by reducing the amount of emissions we produce, we can make a real difference in the fight against climate change.

How digital technologies address the climate crisis

Digital technologies offer many advantages when it comes to emissions reductions and resource management. For starters, digital technologies make it easier for city planners to monitor emissions levels. By tracking emissions data, cities can identify areas where emissions reductions are needed and implement policies and programs to address these areas.

In addition, digital technologies can help us better manage our resources. For example, water management is a critical issue in many cities around the world. By using digital technologies to monitor water usage and track trends, cities can make sure that they are using their water resources efficiently and not wasting valuable resources.

What’s more, digital technologies can also help us engage citizens in emissions reduction and resource management efforts. For example, many cities are now using social media and other digital platforms to raise awareness about sustainability issues and engage citizens in emissions reduction and resource management initiatives.

Case studies of cities that are using technology to address the climate crisis

Case studies of cities that are using technology to address the climate crisis

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is one of the most sustainable cities in the world. One of the reasons for this is their focus on emissions reduction and resource management. Barcelona has been using digital technologies to monitor emissions and track trends. This data has been used to develop emissions reduction policies and programs. In addition, Barcelona has also used digital technologies to better manage its water resources.

Oslo, Norway

Oslo is another city that is leading the way in emissions reduction and resource management. Oslo has been using digital technologies to monitor emissions and develop emissions reduction strategies. Oslo is aiming to reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions by 95% from its 2009 levels by 2030. Initiatives taken include using electrical heavy-duty equipment for construction and higher tolls and parking price for non-electric vehicles.

Portland, USA

Portland is using digital technologies to tackle air pollution. Portland has been utilizing digital technology to track emissions and monitor trends for some time. The city's goals are to reduce carbon emissions by 50% or more by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. By 2050, the city aims to reduce carbon emissions to net-zero. The data the city has collected has been utilized to develop emission reduction policies and programs.

Digital technologies offer many advantages when it comes to emissions reductions and resource management. By using digital technologies to monitor emissions, track trends and manage resources, cities can make a real difference in the fight against climate change. In addition, by engaging citizens in emissions reduction and resource management efforts, cities can create a more sustainable future for our planet.

The world is changing faster than ever before, and the way we live and work is evolving with it.

That's why NEC developed the Digital Cities Index (DCI) 2022 – to help cities stay ahead of the curve and understand how they can use digital technologies to improve the lives of their citizens.

The DCI takes into account four key pillars of connectivity, services, culture and sustainability, to provide a comprehensive view of how digitisation is impacting cities around the world.