Did you know?
Potential accuracy of facial recognition systems in ideal conditions
Revenue generated by the facial recognition market in 2020
Customers in more than 30 countries
Source: CSIS. Report Linker
Public Safety and Security
From a practical standpoint, safety and security solutions must be cost effective and simple to deploy and maintain. Improvements in reliability, accuracy and convenience have spurred the adoption of biometric solutions.
NEC is a recognised leader in biometrics and public safety and a trusted partner to many of the world’s leading identity management and security programs in law enforcement, criminal justice, border control, civil identification and defence personnel safety.
Our solutions for fingerprint scanning, facial recognition, iris scanning, vein geometry and mobile DNA analysis ensure that agencies can accurately and swiftly identify people in the field, within an organisation or at the border.
NEC leads the world in number of patents on sensor and matching technologies, and delivers unsurpassed AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) latent identification accuracy and speed.
Don’t compromise on security.