Why Digital Literacy is so Important in the Western Parkland City

24/8/22, 7:30 am

As the world becomes increasingly digital, it's more important than ever for people to have strong digital literacy skills. In order to keep up with the times, Greater Western Sydney is looking to increase digital literacy and build digital skills among its citizens. This new city is looking to be a model for other cities in terms of technology and innovation, and it's important that its citizens are able to take advantage of all the new digital advancements that will be available to them. Increasing digital literacy and building digital skills is one way to ensure that the Western Parkland City is able to reach its full potential!


What is digital literacy and why is it important?

Technology is helping to advance public transportation in many ways.

Digital literacy is defined as the ability to use digital technology to find, use, and create information. It's important because it allows people to participate in the digital world and access the wealth of information that's available online. With digital literacy skills, citizens are able to use technology to its full potential and take advantage of all the opportunities that are available to them.

Some basic digital literacy skills include being able to use a computer, navigate the internet, use search engines, send and receive emails, create documents and spreadsheets, and use social media. With these skills, people are able to connect with others online, access information, and participate in the digital world.

Some advanced digital literacy skills include being able to code, create websites, develop apps, and use digital media tools. With these skills, people are able to create digital content, build digital products, and participate in the digital economy.


The digital literacy challenge for the Western Parkland City

The digital literacy challenge for the Western Parkland City is that many of its citizens are not familiar with digital technology. They may not know how to use a computer, navigate the internet, or use social media. This can limit their ability to participate in the digital world and access the wealth of information that's available online.

In order to address this challenge, the city is looking to adopt a new education and training model that will increase digital literacy and build digital skills among its citizens. This new model will include training in digital basics such as using a computer, navigating the internet, and using social media. It will also include training in more advanced skills such as creating documents and spreadsheets, programming, and coding.

The New Education and Training Model (NETM) in Western Parkland City will "micro-credentials" to allow people to build the knowledge, skills and experience in a particular subject area aligned to potential employer needs.

The NETM has a broad catalogue of courses including Basic Programming and Basic Use of Collaborative Robots, Introduction to Technical Drawings, and Essentials of Additive Manufacturing. These programs are developed and delivered in partnership with industry, universities, vocational education and training providers and government.

With this new education and training model, the Western Parkland City is looking to become a model for other cities in terms of technology and innovation. By increasing digital literacy and building digital skills among its citizens, the city is laying the foundation for success.

As the Western Parkland City looks to increase digital literacy and build digital skills among its citizens, it's important to understand why this is so important. Digital literacy gives people the ability to use and understand technology. This valuable skill allows individuals to engage with the massive amounts of information available online. Too often, we see citizens being limited by a lack of digital literacy skills. By learning how to take advantage of technology, we can open up a world full of opportunities for everyone.

The city is looking to adopt a new education and training model that will include training in digital basics such as using a computer, navigating the internet, and using social media. It will also include training in more advanced skills such as creating documents and spreadsheets, programming, and coding. This new model will provide people with the skills they need to be successful in today's digital economy.


Cities are becoming increasingly digitised, but it can be hard to track the progress and impact of this change.

The Digital Cities Index (DCI) is the first comprehensive study of its kind that measures how well 30 global cities are using digital technologies to improve citizens' lives.

The DCI 2022 is supported by NEC, a global leader in smart city technology. This index will help city leaders make better decisions about how to use digital technology to improve the lives of their citizens. Download the city workbook here.