Did you know?
Netskope is deployed in over 60 regions and processes over 50 billion transactions daily
Trusted by 5 of the Top 10 companies in the Fortune 500 for Cloud Security
Named a clear leader in the Gartner Security Service Edge (SSE) Magic Quadrant
Netskope is the leading global cloud security provider. Delivering cloud-native security, Netskope provides comprehensive protection for businesses operating in the cloud.
Netskope helps organisations gain real-time visibility and control over their cloud environment, ensuring that critical data is protected from both internal and external threats.
The Netskope platform comprises advanced capabilities that enable the detection and prevention of a wide range of threats, including malware, data loss and compliance violations.
Netskope’s Security Service Edge (SSE) platform addresses the specific challenges faced by businesses operating in the cloud, offering the most comprehensive and effective cloud security solution on the market.
NEC partners with Netskope to deliver SASE services.